Tuition & Fees

Please choose your academic program from the Tuition & Fees menu.

UNH为所有活跃学生使用在线计费系统. 学生通过查看他们的账单和学生账户 Webcat. They also have the option of setting up Parent Portal 用于父母和其他人访问他们的帐户. When new bills are ready, UNH将电子邮件通知发送到学生的大学分配的电子邮件地址和家长门户帐户持有人的电子邮件地址. 除经济援助外,付款首先适用于年龄最大的收费.

UNh flag
  • Durham undergraduates:
    • Fall tuition bills post on July 10th, due August 1st.
    • 春季学费在12月10日寄出,1月1日到期.
  • UNH Manchester undergraduates:
    • Fall tuition bills post on July 10th, due August 1st.
    • 春季学费在12月10日寄出,1月1日到期.
  • Graduate students and Law students:
    • 秋季学费将于8月10日发布,9月1日到期.
    • 春季学费将于1月10日寄出,2月1日到期.
  • 夏季和j学期课程的截止日期会在这些学期的账单上显示.
  • Visit our Food & Housing 膳食计划和校园住房的当前价格页面.
  • Visit the UNH Dining Services  for more information on meal plans.
  • Visit the UNH Department of Housing & Residential Life for more information on housing rates.

Information on Fees

Mandatory Fees

所有注册5个或以上学时的UNH学生都要缴纳强制性费用. 技术费用在学生账单上单独列出,并向所有UNH学生收取, including those registered for fewer than 5 credits.

所有学生都可以使用强制性费用支持的服务和设施. 他们不会根据学生使用这些费用所支持的设施或服务的程度来收费. 要查看当前的学术费率列表,请从菜单中选择您的学生类型.

在课程开始后退学或转读非全日制课程的学生可能有资格根据退学或转读非全日制课程的日期获得全额或部分退款 退校或转为兼职 for more information).

Student fees provide the following services

Overseen and collected by the Student Senate through the Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC),为下列机构和服务提供支援:

  • The New Hampshire (student newspaper)
  • WUNH (student radio station)
  • Other student organizations
  • Movies at reduced rates

Health & Wellness provides comprehensive, student-focused, primary medical care, laboratory testing, radiology, and pharmacy services. During the regular academic year, 临床工作人员由委员会认证的医生组成, nurse practitioners, nurses, 有与青少年和年轻人打交道的经验,并致力于预防和整体护理的医疗助理. 生活良好服务办公室举办教育讲习班, offers support groups, 并促进各种身体和心理健康问题的持续教育团体. Visit Health & Wellness for more information.

夏普的直接服务包括一条24小时电话热线, online web chat and text services, crisis counseling, accompaniment to hospitals, 与刑事司法和大学司法系统/第九条有关的信息和宣传, as well as academic interventions. In addition, 夏普的预防计划和培训为学生提供教育, faculty, and staff on topics related to consent, healthy relationships, rape culture, bystander intervention, IPV, and more. 预防方案由训练有素的暴力预防教育者和学生社区教育者推动.  培训提供给学生在各种各样的设置(宿舍), academic classrooms, Fraternity & 姐妹会生活、体育运动、学生组织等.).  Additionally, SHARPP hosts a myriad of events, awareness campaigns, and rallies throughout the academic year. Visit

心理咨询服务是一项校园资源,其服务旨在提高学生充分受益于大学环境和学术经历的能力. 服务包括为可能正在经历情境或持续心理困难的学生提供咨询和治疗, 提供节目,以满足学生的发展需要, 并鼓励有利于个人和智力成长和心理健康的大学氛围. 心理与咨询服务提供个人咨询, emergency assistance, consultation, group counseling, and learning disabilities screening. Visit Psychology and Counseling Services for more information.

纪念联盟大楼(MUB)为学生参与提供了机会,并为项目提供了空间, meetings, and study, as well as for major public events, movies, and other entertainment. 节目、服务和活动的完整列表可在 MUB website.

校园娱乐提供项目和设施,以支持积极的生活方式. Programs include Group Exercise, Intramural Sports, Aquatics, Outdoor Adventures, Instructional Programs and Sports Clubs.  Facilities include Hamel Recreation Center (HRC), Whittemore Center Arena, Swasey Indoor Pool, Outdoor Pool, Tennis Courts and other outdoor fields. Check out for more information.

Whittemore中心是位于UNH Durham校区的多功能竞技场. 这个场馆是UNH野猫曲棍球队的主场,也用于开放冰上比赛等节目. The University dedicated the arena to Frederick B. Whittemore and his family on May 5, 1996, 以表彰他们长期以来对新罕布什尔州和大学的服务. Whittemore's father, Laurence Whittemore, 1944年至1960年担任澳门葡京网赌游戏系统的受托人, and president of the board from 1954 to 1960. Frederick Whittemore是一位有远见的慈善家,也是UNH基金会的创始董事. 惠特莫尔家庭基金会对该设施的慷慨捐助体现了该家庭通过支持学术课程和学生生活对教育的持续承诺. 

  • 进入所有有组织的体育主场比赛在UNH
  • Financial support for athletes and athletic teams

For more information visit UNH Athletics

UNH投资于职业和专业成功,为学生毕业后的成功生活做好准备. Services include internships, career advising and resources, assessments, employer relations, interview preparation, and mentoring. 这项倡议的资金是通过对现有的强制性费用进行适度的重新分配来提供的. Visit the UNH Career and Professional Success site for further information.

  • Campus connector
  • Wildcat Transit
  • Safe Rides
  • Amtrak Quik-Trak ticketing
  • Non-emergency rides

For more information visit UNH Transportation Services

  • Student Computing Clusters
  • Walk-in Help Desk services
  • Technology-enhanced classroom infrastructure
  • Academic technology liaisons
  • Technology-enhanced learning

For more information, visit UNH Information Technology

Cat's Cache 是否有一个可选的余额递减账户用于用餐, vending machines, laundry, bookstore, MUB, and many downtown Durham businesses. 这个账从一个学期转到另一个学期.

新生支付400美元的一次性费用,用于支持第一年的经验, 转学计划和其他帮助新生过渡到大学的计划. 新生入学费用由学生的学费押金支付.